Jun 23, 2013

Lead the way into "Hauz Khas Village" in Delhi, India
インドファッションの最先端 ハウスカスビレッジ

This photo is the fashionable neighborhood of Hauz Khas Village in Delhi.
This is my challenging story to go to the most fashionable neighborhood in India.

This district has been re-developed into fashionable town by new young designers and entrepreneurs. So Japanese call the district “Daikan-yama in Delhi”.

This district has two areas. One is fashionable area, the other is historical area. I write from a historical side, first.
This district was brought land into cultivation in 13th century by Ala al-Din Khalji. This century  also built the Qutub Minar which was already posted on past as Tour of the World Heritage "Qutub Minar"The district is called Hauz Khas. "Hauz"  means water storage pond and "Khas" means royal by Urdu. So Hauz Khas still have water storage pond like this photo.

Ala al-Din Khalji who was the third king of Khalji dynasty made not only "Hauz" but also expanded its territory, developed a culture and consolidated domestic politics. Now, you can see heritage of his made in Qutub Minar. He expanded the park of the land eleven times bigger than the original size.
And He constructed new gate and he tried to construct a new Minaret. But new Minaret was not complete like this photo which was taken at Qutub Minar park.

アラーウッディーンハルジーはハルジー王朝時代の三番目の王、彼は貯水池を作っただけでなく、領土を広げ、文化や内政基盤を構築。今もなお、ハルジーの遺産がクトゥブミナールで見ることができる。彼は、建築時より11倍に公園を広げ、新しい門を立て、新しいミナレット(塔)も建てようとした。ただ、写真のように 新ミナレットは完成せず。この写真は、クトゥブミナール公園で過去に撮ったもの。
In the 14th century, Khalji dynasty was downfallen as punitive expedition by Tughluq dynasty. After that, Firuz Shah Tughlaq who was the third king of Tughluq dynasty also increased his own spread of land of Hauz Khas. He constructed new madrasa at Hauz Khas which means higher level school as Islamic word.

14世紀にハルジー朝はトゥグルク朝の手によって討伐。 その後、トゥグルク朝、三番目の王、フィーローズシャートゥグルクによってハウスカスは再発展。彼はここに新しいマドラサ(イスラムの言葉で言う高等教育の学校)を建築。
And, Hauz Khas have his tomb.
In this way, India have continued the flux and reflux of the tides like the other world.

Now, this district has changed in a positive way as a fashionable town.
This shop is specialized in stationery and books.

This shop sells Indian jewelry.

This shop sells bags designed by Indian young designers. I recommend it.

Also, this area has an art gallery.

Not only shops, Hauz Khas has some nice restaurants. This shop is cafe. This type of cafe is rare in India.

Surprisingly, This shop serves Futomaki which is a kind of Sushi. Japanese couple manage this shop.

More surprisingly, This shop serve dish of steak. Unfortunatly, We can eat buffalo meat in this restaurant. This taste is not bad.

Of course, you can eat Indian food in this area. This dish is Kashmiri cuisine. This is easy to taste for japanese. Which means it is not hot taste.

Now, this district has very good and friendly atmosphere like this photo. We really hope India  continues to increase good things without trouble.

But we had trouble of puncture like this photo at this time.


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