Mar 27, 2013

Festival of Colors "Happy Holi !!!"
色の祭典 ハッピーホーリー!!!

Those indian girls are celebrating Holi.
This is my challenging story to join in Holi of Indian holiday.

Holi means the beginning of spring. But It is already warm in India. Holi also means a ritual to exorcise a demon. So Indian people paint each other with colorful powders as a ritual. And everybody says "Happy Holi" after painting them.  Holi is usually said as festival of colors.

These are color powders made in India. Indian people dissolve it and throw colored water on someone. And...

Everybody was painting color powder directly onto each other's face and body hoping for their happiness.

Children were running about in the gaiety!

Some children were painting much more powder onto their friends with no regard for their feelings.

Another child was targeting someone with a water gun.

Another child was making water balloon. And...

He was throwing it with all his force...
You know, You might think this festival is only for children...

No way! 
Adults were also running about in the gaiety. Man was already painted by someone. And...

Cleaning worker was already painted.

Elderly was also painted.

Adults were enjoying Holi than children like this photo avobe. 

But those young people seem not to celebrate Holi. They were just playing with mud.

People were enjoying Holi everywhere. For example...on the trunk of the car... 

Ofcourse  we were enjoying Holi too. Our shirts were colored as if it was painted by an artist But...

However, more importantly, my camera was painted in Indian color too...


Mar 10, 2013

Tour of the World Heritage "Qutub Minar"
世界遺産ツアー クトゥブミナール

This is the "Qutub Minar" which is a world heritage.
This is my challenging story to go to world heritage in India.

You know, India have many world heritages, which says a lot about  the long history of India. These are 23 sites of world culture heritages and 6 sites of  world nature heritages up to the present, 2013. I want to go to world heritages in India as much as I can until I go back to Japan. This time, I go to "Qutub Minar" which is nearest site of world heritage from my house.

When you enter the park of Qutub Minar, you need to buy ticket. If you are not Indian, you should be lining up in foreigner's cue. But if you are working in India, you can be lining up in Indian cue with pan card or FRRO document. Indian ticket fee is cheeper than foreigners'. Ofcourse, I was lining up in Indian cue for buying ticket.

Qutub Minar is an Islamic mosque built by Qutb al-Din Aybak who was king of Dehli Sultanate on 13c. This minaret(tower) was over 100 meter when it was built. But its tip section went down when earthquake or some accident occurred and now it is 72.5 meters height.

Because this Minaret is Islamic style, it has botanical sculpture like a photo above.

And, those windows in the mosque have blinds of star shape.

Qutub Minar was build after HIndu temple was broken. So some blocks of Hindu temple were used for Qutub Minar's monument. You can find mix culture of Islamic and Hindu from this photo above.

Additionally, Qutub Minar have famous pole. This pole was made by steels and was built on 5c. This pole have been standing for 1500 years, nevertheless it doesn't get rusted still now. There are various theories as to reason why it didn't get rusted. The dominant reason seems that this pole was coated by phosphorus when it was made.

This park is loved by Indian people. Indian children are coming for field trip, it is really happy and peace. 

Spring has already passed away in India, now is the beginning of summer. I was thirsty when I came back to outside the park. I wanted to drink something, but I had no idea whether Japanese stomach could keep down that drink sold outside the park.
