Jan 29, 2013

Contract problem about my mobile phone

This is iPhone5.
This is the challenging story of  my mobile phone about its contract in India.

Mobile tool(phone) is very important for my life in India. I use it to call my driver, to call delivery agent. It is not too much to say that "no mobile no life".
Unlike Japan, there is a two-stage to make a contract with phone in India. First, you purchase a phone, second, you buy a SIM card. (In Japan's case, you buy a set of SIM and phone.) If you want to purchase a phone, you just pay money. Which is simple. But making a contract on buying SIM card requires difficult negotiation with shop staff.
Normally, you select Postpaid(on demand) or Prepaid(charge the cache).
I will stay long time in India, so I chose postpaid. which was the dawn of the eventful.


"Airtel" is the leading company of Indian mobile carriers. I filled out the registration form of the contract of Postpaid. You can buy Postpaid-SIM after you submit this form, ID copy and FRO document copy. Yes, I was also able to buy. But, the way the shop staff of Airtel spoke to me was so arrogant and he explained detail to me with his strong Hindi accent. Which made me tired.
At the end of his explanation, the shop staff told me that I need to receive a physical verification. That means they visit my house to make sure if I really live in the registered address. I thought this action was for preparing for a potential fear of terrorism. I also thought Indian people was surprisingly reliable to have this process. (In Japan's case, when you buy a mobile phone, shop staff only confirm document.)

In the result, nobody came to my home from Airtel. What was worse, my mobile phone was unable to make calls but only to receive as they controlled so. When I answered a call from Airtel staff, I couldn't understand what they were talking because of their strong Hindi accent. Finally I realized that my English skill was not enough to communicate with them.

説明の最後に、”physical verificationするから”、とのこと。”本当にその家(居住地)に居るか確認するから”の意味らしい。意外にきっちり管理されるなぁと思ったが・・・。

Reluctantly, I asked for help to the local staff in our company, and I went to the Airtel shop again with him. The shop staff said to me,"you cannot use your mobile phone because you haven't gotten physical verification yet. So, our staff will visit your house tomorrow for physical verification''.
So,,,  I tried to wait at home again but nobody came, too.
When the local staff in our company heard this devastation, he said "Awful!! It's stress test against foreigners.".

仕方なく、会社スタッフに助けを借り、再度Airtelショップに行くも、”physical verificationが済んでいないから利用できないだけ。明日行くから!”と言われ、待ってみたけど、、、また来ないの繰り返し。
Local staff flipped out about all this events and he told me that I should change the carrier of my mobile phone. So I made a re-contract with "Vodafone-India". The shop staff of Vodafone was really gentle. But again, the shop staff said to me ''you have to receive physical verification''. Of course I started to worried about. Do I have to suffer from a stress test again? 
My prediction had came true. Nobody came to my home,,,,

When we went to the Vodafone shop again, the shop staff said "Your physical verification has been approved, so you do not have to do anything anymore".
What did he say? What's going on about counter-terrorism??
(Local staff thought FRO document was very formal, So Vodafone approved my contract only with this document without doing physical verification, maybe. God only knows.)

I just don't feel satisfied with those events. But I can use my mobile phone now. The local staff said '' let's not to chase those problems anymore.''  I decided to follow his opinion.
I can use my mobile phone now, but this result didn't uncover the secrets of India very much. India is intersting...

Airtel has sent me an apology email... It's too late!!

インド人スタッフがブチ切れて、キャリアを変えようと言われ、Vodafone-Indiaにて再登録。こちらは紳士的。Postpaid契約の最後に、またまたphysical verificationするからと言われ、もしや、ストレステストの再来になるのか?と心配しながら、家で待っていると、、、やっぱり来ない。。

インド人スタッフと一緒に再びVodafoneショップに行くと、承認されてるし、もうphysical verificationはなくていいよ。と言う。
外国人登録文書はとても公的なものだから、Vodafonephysical verificationなしでOKとしたのだろうと、ローカルスタッフが言ってますが。神のみぞ知る。)



Jan 15, 2013

Rock Garden in Chandigarh
ロックガーデン チャンディガル

This is the challenging story of  minor tourist site in India.
"Rock Garden" is the garden which is located in Chandigarh, capital of Haryana and Punjab on north of Delhi. 

”Rock Garden”は、デリーの北、パンジャブとハリアナの州都チャンディガールに。
Nek Chand  established this garden with waste things he collected. It took him over the past few decades to build it . The reason why he made it was because he wanted to gather people here in Chandigarh as a sight seeing spot by making this garden.
I saw a group of local school students visit there. They seemed to attend a camp school there.

Nek Chandが、廃品を集めて何十年もかけて庭園にした観光地。
This beautiful garden was made by rock, tile cracks, light bulb socket, and vase etc. .
I didn't plan to go to this garden. I called in the garden during my spare time in my business trip in Chandigarh.

Along the way, this garden showed sculptures and monuments made by waste things. which most Japanese thought was not garden, I felt it's rather like old tombs. (Because Japanese old tombs are decorated with monuments.)
I can not recommend that you visit  there only to see this garden from far Japan, but   if you got tired of major tourist sites in india, I think this place is worth a visit.


Jan 1, 2013

Started to live in India

"Live in India" is the blog about Japanese business man who has started to live in India.

When I was in Japan, people said that staying in India must be tough and its environment must be completely different from Japan's.

Is that true?
This blog is the record about the man who challenges boldly many things to uncover the secrets of a mystery of India. This blog is for Japanese who are not familiar with India. 



